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 Post subject: Join Request - Liquidian
PostPosted: 27/11/2013, 21:53 

Joined: 27/11/2013, 21:21
Posts: 1
Skype: liquid1an
Biography (You can include - Name, Age, Gender, Nationality etc.):
Name: Lars
Age: 15, becoming 16 in 5 days.
Gender: Male
Nationality: Dutch (The Netherlands)
Date of birth: 02-12-1997

MTA Career (You can include - Story, Nick, Ex Nicks, Ex Clans, Frequented servers etc.):
It al started like 2 years ago, Gtagasje asked me to install MTA (It'd be fun, he said.).
So I was like #YOLO, why not?!

He introduced me to a server called SAUR, I've been playing on that server for like a whole year (550hours in game xD). In SAUR I had a great time and I've been in the best clans/gangs (even became high ranks in 'em). Now, a year later, I decided to enter the racing-world. So Gtagasje introduced me to EPD, I instally found it quite amazing! So i've played on EPD for 2 weeks now and already made like 30 hours in-game.

Why would you like to join our community:
Because I want to feel more a part of the family. I've insta-played EPD now and I'd really like to become a clanmember. I want to train my skills on this server and show you what I allready have got.

Contacts (You can include - XFire, Skype, E-mail etc.):
Skype: liquid1an

PostPosted: 28/11/2013, 15:44 
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Joined: 20/02/2013, 23:43
Posts: 57
Skype: fenix9813
Xfire: fenix981

your join request status has been set to: PENDING.

Fenix,recruitment manager

PostPosted: 28/01/2014, 18:01 
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Joined: 15/01/2013, 21:26
Posts: 181
Location: Pavia
Skype: ilriky_93
Xfire: rikkardo93
Steam: Mr.RiKy

we are proud to announce that your join request, after being processed, has been ACCEPTED.

1 Month Trial.

Whitin this lapse of time you will be judged for your skills, attitude and activity. The trial period can change according to the above-mentioned conditions.

Mr.RiKy, Recruitment manager


----------------EPD Dal 8/12/2011, 15:15----------------

PostPosted: 25/03/2014, 20:59 
User avatar

Joined: 15/01/2013, 21:26
Posts: 181
Location: Pavia
Skype: ilriky_93
Xfire: rikkardo93
Steam: Mr.RiKy

we are proud to announce that your trial period was successful; you are now promoted to full member. Welcome once again.

Mr.RiKy, Team Leader


----------------EPD Dal 8/12/2011, 15:15----------------

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